(£43.96 Ex VAT)
Price from:
30.00 sqm and above @ £52.75 inc vat / £43.96 per sqm ex vat
29 sqm and below @ £57.60 inc vat / £48.00 per sqm ex vat
£15.00 Surcharge for cutting when ordering less than 1 full roll

Specialist safety for commercial kitchens / canteens
High level of slip resistance even with grease, oils and fat.
Approx 25 years life expectancy
R12 Slip resistance rating
Altro Stronghold 30 achieves Altro highest rating for slip resistance and is designed to minimise risk in areas exposed to grease, oils and fats for the lifetime of the flooring. As well as helping to keep staff safe from slips, it also helps reduce their fatigue, thanks to its 3mm thickness which provides noise reduction and comfort underfoot.
Now with four new colours in the range.
Altro is the first and only safety flooring manufacturer to recycle traditional safety flooring in-house.
20 years guarantee
R12 Slip resistance
Code: K3010
Roll Size: 2 m x 15 m = 30 sq m
Price from:
30.00 sqm and above @ £52.75 inc vat / £43.96 per sqm ex vat
29 sqm and below @ £57.60 inc vat / £48.00 per sqm ex vat
£15.00 Surcharge for cutting when ordering less than 1 full roll